Busy Week V

POSSUM Busy Week V

27-31 May 2019, ATNF (Marsfield)

Google maps link to venue

This page contains the Busy Week task list, data access instructions, recordings, agenda, participants, and connection details.

Task list

The task list is available as a google spreadsheet: Click HERE.

Data Access

Data have been posted in POSSUMSHARE. Please contact Craig Anderson if you need an account.

Recordings and Discussion

Slack discussion starts at https://askap-possum.slack.com/archives/CBRBJ2TPT/p1558919486000100

All videos are time-stamped in AEST. Audio is not time-stamped, but has the same start and finish times as the corresponding video.


This agenda is now basically complete (last update 22 May 2019).

Color codes: talks, discussion sessions, and focused work sessions. Underlined text indicates links to presentations or notes.

All times are given in AEST (UT+10h).

Day (Room)TimeTopic
Monday 27 May09:00-09:30Welcome, settling in, getting acquainted
(Maxwell room - AM)09:30-10:00Status of ASKAP observations relevant to POSSUM, and processing overview (Craig Anderson)
 10:00-10:30RACS status and plans (Dave McConnell, Aidan Hotan)
 10:30-11:30Getting started: planning for the week
 11:30-12:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 12:30-13:30Lunch break
(Faraday room - PM)13:30-16:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 16:30-17:00Daily wrapup discussion
Tuesday 28 May09:00-10:00Daily warmup discussion
(Faraday room)10:00-10:30RACS followup discussion (Dave McConnell, Aidan Hotan, Julie Banfield) As needed
 10:30-12:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 12:30-13:30Lunch break
 13:30-15:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 15:30-16:30Prospects for a second phase of QUOCKA
 16:30-17:00Daily wrapup discussion
Wednesday 29 May09:00-10:00Daily warmup discussion
(Board room)10:00-12:00Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 12:00-12:30CASDA update and use cases (Minh Huynh)
 12:30-13:30Lunch break
 13:30-15:00Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 15:00-15:30EMU coordination discussion (Josh Marvil)
 15:30-16:30Pilot survey planning (led by Ann Mao)
 16:30-17:00Daily wrapup discussion
Thursday 30 May09:00-10:00Daily warmup discussion
(Faraday room)10:00-12:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 12:30-13:30Lunch break
 13:30-14:00Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 14:00-15:00Circular polarization with ASKAP: potential for POSSUM and beyond
 15:00-16:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 16:30-17:00Daily wrapup discussion
Friday 31 May09:00-10:00Daily warmup discussion
(Board room)10:00-12:30Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 12:30-13:30Lunch break
 13:30-15:00Busy Week Work Session (RACS focus)
 15:00-16:00Wrapup discussion (document activities & outcomes)
 16:00--Busy week concludes--


In person

  • George Heald
  • Daniel Mitchell (Wed-Fri)
  • Andrew Zic
  • Tara Murphy (Thurs)
  • Jimi Green (Thurs PM)
  • Tim Robishaw (Thurs PM)
  • Craig Anderson (Mon-Thurs)
  • Dave McConnell (couple of days)
  • Alec Thomson (Mon-Thurs)
  • Matthew Alger (Mon-Fri)
  • Wasim Raja
  • Aaron Chippendale
  • ...


  • Bryan Gaensler
  • Neeraj Gupta
  • Cameron Van Eck
  • Boris Gbeasor
  • Shane O'Sullivan
  • Chiara Stuardi
  • Julie Banfield
  • Larry Rudnick
  • Shannon Vanderwoude
  • Naomi McClure-Griffiths (parts of Tues-Thurs)
  • ...

Connection details

Join Zoom Meeting: https://dunlap.zoom.us/j/745718454
Join by H.323 [for CSIRO Marsfield site only]:
Dial by your location: international phone numbers at https://zoom.us/u/aEt4jiN88, meeting ID: 745 718 454